Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is the instructor for these courses? The founder of The Institute of Biblical Israel is Dr. John DeLancey. He serves as the instructor for our courses. Dr John has an impressive resume of Israel travel, education, and experience in the archaeological field. He was a Biblical Studies major at Cedarville College. He studied at the Jerusalem University College (in Jerusalem, Israel) in 1981-82. He attended Westminster Seminary for his M.Div, and Trinity College & Seminary for his D.Min. To date, Dr John has led 72 Israel trips. He also has excavated at 6 different archaeological sites in Israel. He serves as the founder and director of Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours. Previous to BIMT, Dr. John served as pastor for two evangelical churches (in MN and PA). He brings a thorough yet fun style of teaching for our courses. He lives in Glenshaw, PA (the Pittsburgh area) with his wife Sue. They have three grown children. Dr. John enjoys trail running (30 years of running ultra-marathons has come to an end), mountain biking, and droning/video editing.

2. How is the price of the course determined? The Institute of Biblical Israel is all about providing quality college-level education at an affordable price. We priced out the courses at a fraction of the price one would pay at a Bible college. We also have discounts available to people who have traveled to Israel with us before or are planning on a trip with us in the future. Further discounts apply for pastors and church staff. If you can’t afford the price, please email Dr. John ([email protected]) and explain your situation. We’ll see what we can do to get you enrolled in the course(s).

3. Do the courses have a start and finish date? No. The beauty of our online courses is that you can start and end at your own pace. All the teaching is in the form of video lectures with Dr. John. So as you register for the course, you now have access to all the video lectures. You can watch them as many times as you want and return to any video lecture within the course.

4. Can I download the courses? We are sorry, but no downloads are allowed. This is copyrighted material and exclusively owned by The Institute. Much time and effort has been invested in creating this quality teaching.

5. Since the courses are designed to offer video lectures only, do I have access to Dr. DeLancey if I have a question? Yes, certainly you do! Dr. John is available via email at any time. His email is [email protected]. He also can be reached via Facebook Messenger.

6. If I purchase any course, can I share this with a Bible Study group? We allow you to use the course for group Bible Study. Our purpose is to teach the Bible in the context of the land. We simply ask that if you give full credit to The Institute of Biblical Israel and Dr. John DeLancey in your promotion of the course you choose to view as a group.

7. If I want to travel with Dr. John in the future, where can I go and view the trips he leads? Dr. John welcomes anyone to join him for any Israel trip. You can go to to see all of his upcoming trips. Dr. John serves as the director for Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours (BIMT). The Institute is a partnering ministry with BIMT.